I cannot start http proxy.
I tried either on a fresh efw3.0 install and on an upgraded box coming from 2.5.2
The GUI says http proxy is UP, but TCP port 8080 is not opened.
It seems something related with the rock cache.
In cache.log I can find the following errors:
2014/05/27 11:17:18 kid1| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 19 to [::]: (2) No such file or directory
2014/05/27 11:17:30 kid1| error: timeout
2014/05/27 11:17:30 kid1| Closing HTTP port
2014/05/27 11:17:30 kid1| Closing HTTP port
FATAL: Rock cache_dir at /var/spool/squid/rock failed to open db file: (2) No such file or directory
Squid Cache (Version 3.3.

: Terminated abnormally.
I checked that the file exists and has the right permissions:
-rw------- 1 squid squid 524288000 May 27 18:10 /var/spool/squid/rock
as well as the parent folder:
drwxr-x--- 2 squid squid 4096 May 27 18:10 /var/spool/squid
Is this a bug of the new EFW 3.0?