EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: Felipe911 on Thursday 17 January 2013, 10:22:48 am

Title: endian community on server 2011
Post by: Felipe911 on Thursday 17 January 2013, 10:22:48 am
I have a server running windows 2011 with 2 nics. I'd like to install endian community on it as a vm but i'm not sure how this should be congured so that my server comes behind the firewall. Is this possible and how should it be done? Now I have 1 nic for wan and one for lan (+ switch) on the server. Would I need a third nic that can connect to the green zone of the firewall via the switch on this nic?

Title: Re: endian community on server 2011
Post by: vsenko on Thursday 17 January 2013, 04:49:40 pm
The implementation will vary depending on the virtualization platform that you choose.
But in most cases you can create a virtual network and attach one virtual interface to your Win2011 server and another interface to EFW virtual machine (GREEN). Another interface of the EFW you will bind to one of the physical interfaces (it will be the RED one). And the second physical interface will be used to connect to the switch. Keep in mind that in case of such configuration a heavy network load on the Win2011 server will lead to problems with EFW because both of them use one NIC to interact with client PCs.