Title: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: Di4bLo on Friday 13 May 2016, 08:45:02 pm Do you know if the new version has problem with the proxy authentication?
I can join the AD domain (Windows 2012 R2) and I can see users and groups into the proxy polices (using both NTLM or LDAP) but if I always get "Access denied" error message. If I remove the Authentication from the policy, it works. I tried also with the transparent proxy with no luck. Any ideas? Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: fsendoya on Tuesday 17 May 2016, 04:05:16 am Hi, i have the same problem, in the same version with NTLM authentication agains AD on W 2008 R2
Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: Di4bLo on Friday 27 May 2016, 05:45:51 pm Tried the new updates but still no solution.
Tried also to use LDAP and some console commands to verify the bind to the domain controller and everything looks fine. I think it's a waste of time... I'm so angry. >:( Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: Milkwerm on Monday 04 July 2016, 10:28:17 am This appears to be working now with the latest updates.
Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: tomo714 on Wednesday 13 July 2016, 10:02:40 pm After last upgrade EFW 3.2.0b1 authentication passed but can't see for AD groups.
Users are available. In my case AD 2003, connection by NTLM (on EFW 3.0.5 and older everything works fine) From terminal by ssh: Code: wbinfo -t "checking the trust secret for domain MCD via RPC calls succeeded" Code: wbinfo -u - returns user list (ok)Code: wbinfo -g "failed to call wbcListGroups: WBC_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE Error looking up domain groups" Something wrong with samba? Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: Milkwerm on Thursday 14 July 2016, 10:37:55 am Config error on your end? It's working just fine for me..
although I did restore a backup from a ver 3.0.9 install that was working to this test box. Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: tomo714 on Thursday 14 July 2016, 06:33:59 pm I didn't try restore backup.
Hm.. :-\ i'll try Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: tomo714 on Thursday 14 July 2016, 10:26:20 pm No, the same.
Proxy. Domain join success. Auth by user - load user list (don't know is it work) Auth by group - can't see ldap server Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: tomo714 on Thursday 14 July 2016, 10:56:20 pm I changed connection type from NTLM to LDAP and seems to be ok.
Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: tomo714 on Friday 15 July 2016, 04:12:56 pm I changed connection type from NTLM to LDAP and seems to be ok. and yet - authentication (on client side) does not work for me. >:( Title: Re: EFW 3.2.0beta1 - PROXY NTLM or LDAP: Access denied Post by: dda on Tuesday 26 July 2016, 02:01:10 am Add me to that list with the latest update. I am running authentication with LDAP. I can see the users and groups but I am lo longer getting the Authentication popup. The proxy server service is frequently not starting and even when I get it to start it shows no activity. Any ideas any one?