Title: Using D-Link DGE-560T for EFW Community 3.0 Post by: Mystical_Titan on Thursday 05 June 2014, 06:30:31 pm Hi everyone.
I use EFW Community for one or two of my smaller clients because it's free and effective. Previously I had installed the D-Link DGE-528T and it worked perfectly. With my latest firewall, I was unable to source the same motherboard as it has been replaced by a updated model, which only has one PCI-E slot. Along with the board I got the D-Link DGE-560T, which is not being picked up by my Endian installation. Is it possible to use this NIC by adding the driver to the installation or will I need to look for a motherboard with standard PCI slots? My Linux skills are almost non-existent, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Title: Re: Using D-Link DGE-560T for EFW Community 3.0 Post by: myr1de on Thursday 26 June 2014, 01:54:19 am Code: I use a PCI-E nic cards. These I found to work very well NewEgg /Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106036 Intel EXP19301CT Title: Re: Using D-Link DGE-560T for EFW Community 3.0 Post by: Mystical_Titan on Saturday 06 June 2015, 01:20:02 am I need to setup a new EFW Community unit, but I can only use the above-mentioned PCI-E NIC and I can't get a hold of any that are currently supported, so I will need to add the drivers to the installation, but I have no clue how to do this.
Can anyone out there provide me with a step-by-step guide? On a scale of 1 to 10, my Linux skills are at -1. Title: Re: Using D-Link DGE-560T for EFW Community 3.0 Post by: mmiat on Monday 08 June 2015, 11:53:42 pm it's very hard to do what you need. check here: http://www.efwsupport.com/index.php/topic,4158.msg11450.html#msg11450
I hope it can be useful Title: Re: Using D-Link DGE-560T for EFW Community 3.0 Post by: Mystical_Titan on Wednesday 10 June 2015, 07:58:10 pm Code: I use a PCI-E nic cards. These I found to work very well NewEgg /Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106036 Intel EXP19301CT Hi myr1de. Will this NIC definitely work with Endian? Title: Re: Using D-Link DGE-560T for EFW Community 3.0 Post by: frabarce on Wednesday 07 December 2016, 01:21:21 am Buenos días yo he tenido el mismo problema, al parecer no es compatible.
Para empezar: -Tengo la última versión del endian(3.2.2) kernel 4.1.17.e12 -Instalé fisicamente la tarjeta de red(DGE-560T) y al ejecutar el comando lspci reconocía que era la dge-528t, sin tener esta última instalada en ninguna de las tarjetas. -Instalé el driver de DGE-560T(actualizado) y en los mensajes salía que tenía un kernel menos avanzado que el que solicitaba y necesitaba actualizarlo, después de investigar tanto por la red no pude hallar una solución al tema. -instalé una tarjeta con auto-negociación de velocidades 10/100/1000Mbps, característica que tiene la dge-528t y el ENDIAN la reconoció automáticamente sin necesidad de instalar el driver y pude conectarla a la red. En conclusión y en base a mi experiencia tendrías que instalar una tarjeta PCI-E con característica auto-negociación de velocidades 10/100/1000Mbps. la DGE-560T es de 1Gb y no tiene la característica mencionada. Esero haber ayudado en algo al tema. saludos. Title: - Post by: MariMow on Monday 27 June 2022, 03:31:52 am yes you can use your sx-8 with VT5 you just do not have the rear audio channels and I think something else but I can not remember you would have to update your card and get an sx-84 to get the rear channels as far as I know...