I'm not sure how much this will help but at least it will give you a place to start. First thing I would do would be to go to the console and type "httpd". This will restart the Apache services, as well as show you the configuration files in which it obtained the configs from. You will have to edit the base Apache config to Listen on your chosen port, as well as basically copy the virtual host entries because I am betting you probably don't really want to remove the 10443 stuff in case you lock yourself out.
BTW the proxy port is 8080 / 10443 is the SSL http login port
Mine looks like this version 2.5.2
Processing config directory: /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/conf.d/emiproxy.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/conf.d/initial-wizard.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/conf.d/monit.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/conf.d/sarg.conf
Processing config directory: /etc/httpd/conf.plain/*.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/conf.plain/backupdeny.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/conf.plain/proxypac.conf
Processing config directory: /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts/*.conf
Processing config file: /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts/dnsmasq_blackhole_httpd.conf
Happy hunting....